The Brief

This site was part of a partners assignment in my second year of University, where the task was to make a site for an event. Since then, I have gone back and redone most of the site, so all the work here is my own except for the logo in the top left corner. This project started with me and my partner making two mood boards, one based on a fine arts gallery theme and the other a digital cyber punk theme. In the end we decided to combine the two a bit, going with a cyber punk theme set up a bit like a fine arts gallery.


The UON Digital Media Festival is an event hosted by the University of Newcastle to celebrate the digital creations of its students. From animation to music, there will be no shortage of interest and talent to see at the festival.


  • This was a partner project, which always comes with the risk of issues. In the original version my partner ended up interpreting our ideas very differently then I did. I’m glad I got the chance to go back and fix it.
  • It was tricky filling out a lot of the details for this site as UONDMF is not a real event.
  • I had the same issue as above with images. There isn’t an event so there
    isn’t any judges to take photos of, or previous student work to show.

The Brief

Create a magazine spread using the provided images and copy.


This project was a magazine spread. I was given the copy and the images, and told to experiment with layout, typography, and image placement to design a unique and conceptual editorial in conjunction with the companies branding guidelines.


  • The biggest challenge was figuring out what kind of spread would work best for the content given.
  • I fiddled around with the first page, and got a lot of second opinions before I was happy with it